pass me the coat hanger, Jim
SpiderJ099: gah, Audition is horribly awesome.
HansandJudy: hunh?
SpiderJ099: listening to an interview with the director
SpiderJ099: Japanese movie
HansandJudy: oh.
SpiderJ099: it's... unique
HansandJudy: write about it on your website. better than tacky pro-life jokes. then i can read about it later when my eyelids aren't drooping.
SpiderJ099: hey, that's not a joke
SpiderJ099: it may be tacky, but it's not a joke
HansandJudy: well, at least we agree that it was tacky...
SpiderJ099: it's more of a moral imperative
HansandJudy: what--to be an insensitive dick?
SpiderJ099: -_-
SpiderJ099: no, as in if pro-lifers are going to go around proclaiming abortion to be murder, then miscarriages must be natural death, with all the trappings thereof.
HansandJudy: not all pro-lifers say that abortion is murder. get your facts straight, lest you continue to sound like an under-educated nitwit.
SpiderJ099: ...
SpiderJ099: every pro-lifer I've ever encountered says that it's murder.
SpiderJ099: if you're pro-life, what other reason is there?
HansandJudy: lots of reasons. yes, i am pro-life.
SpiderJ099: *shrugs*
HansandJudy: classy.
SpiderJ099: I don't see any reason other than believing that it is murder to want to revoke by law another person's right to choose.
HansandJudy: did i say anything about revoking laws? check your prejudices at the door. or at least the keyboard. it's disrepectful and ignorant to base your assumptions on easy stereotypes. wake up a little, would ya?
SpiderJ099: I work on classic definitions until you tell me otherwise.
SpiderJ099: Pro-lifers, classically, want no one to have the right to abort a baby.
HansandJudy: cite your source.
SpiderJ099: Every single pro-life advocate I've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio, or talked to in real life.
SpiderJ099: Every picket line in front of an abortion clinic.
SpiderJ099: Every minister who has made a personal vendetta against abortion clinics.
SpiderJ099: Every "concerned citizen" who wants to shut down Planned Parenthood
HansandJudy: uh-huh. and i suppose you feel you've met the overwhelming majority of pro-lifers in the country, so you're an expert now?
SpiderJ099: Look, I believe that in an ideal society, we wouldn't need abortions, and I don't think that they should be happening.
SpiderJ099: I don't like the idea, at all.
HansandJudy: those of us who aren't radical don't exactly make the evening news. quit being so tunnel-visioned.
SpiderJ099: So by that rationale, I'm pro-life.
SpiderJ099: But, from the standpoint of whether you should be able to do it or not, I'm pro-choice.
HansandJudy: okay, fine. i'm just saying, don't equiate "pro-life" with "pro-coat hanger," okay?
SpiderJ099: Who said that I equate it as such?
HansandJudy: implied as much.
SpiderJ099: Uh-huh. Methinks you'd be grasping.
SpiderJ099: Methinks you shouldn't equate "pro-choice" with "pro-abortion"
HansandJudy: and methinks you are very, very young, and generally have no idea what you are talking about. okay? just an opinion.
SpiderJ099: Ok, waitaminute. You're attacking me, from the word 'go.' You haven't given any sources or info either. So I'm playing against an empty table.
SpiderJ099: If you don't believe that laws should be passed in order to abolish abortion, then what makes you pro-life?
HansandJudy: eh, well... anyone can cite sources. anyone can grasp at loose arguments. the point here, actually, is that it takes maturity to be sensitive, and all this started out as was my suggestion that you not alienate one of the possibly most consistent visitors to your website by posting items which could be offensive to said reader. if you've got lots of other hits on the site, then okay, i'll go back to
SpiderJ099: Wow, so as long as I'm being insecure and self-deprecating, I'm not offensive, but when I make a Carlin-esque "Things that make you go 'hrrrrrmmmmm...'" style joke, all of a sudden I'm being offensive?
HansandJudy: difference is, you are aware when you're being insecure and self-deprecating, but you didn't seem to consider the fact that the joke (which, by the way, are you now admitting to the fact that it was a joke? your word now, not mine) could be offensive to others. i don't think it's any healthier or nobler to be insecure and self-deprecating, but that is a different issue.
SpiderJ099: It's one of those half-jokes. Like saying our president is a mongoloid idiot.
HansandJudy: wow, i'm so not half-laughing. that's the problem with half-jokes. they're not half-funny.
HansandJudy: must sleep. laters.
*** HansandJudy signed off at Sat Jun 15 01:46:02 2002.