First Off

Declarations from the Soap Box

Saturday, September 07, 2002

The days go by so quickly.

My prose is failing me, but hopefully it'll come back soon. I am writing a little (very little) every day, and something will click soon. I will make motivation my bitch...

I think a lack of feedback from anyone is really stultifying. I'm missing both the validation and the criticism. I wish that I had a better support system for that kind of thing in place. But alas, I do not. So if any of you reading this want to comment, or drop me email, or whatever, you know where to reach me. If you don't, it's Of course, remove the NO SPAM...

Not that there's a lack of excitement. Being an American is tough right now, especially being an American with a brain and a conscience. I don't know how to fix things, I sure as hell wish I did. But no one else seems to have any particularly good ideas, either. I'm not fond of the idea of invading Iraq, but I do think the barbarians should be brought into the 21st century... Barbarians all over the world, that is.

This is scary. Although, I'm glad I read This Modern World.

As the days and weeks go by, I find myself coming to agreement with most of what the liberal world wants to tell me, as I see the conservative side, whom I tend to agree with on a lot more things than even I would expect, becomes more and more irrational and bloodthirsty. It's disheartening, and scary, and overall, depressing. I just don't know what to think anymore. I don't want to think anymore. I just want to keep listening to music, keep reading comics, and get on with my life. Sometimes I wish I weren't so upset about everything else.

But, fuck, someone has to.

If I'm not gonna scream about the injustice of it all at every available opportunity, who is? I haven't seen any of you do it.

I'm done... nothing left to write, now.


Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Apparently, I'm not "doable". Look for -iq-


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