First Off

Declarations from the Soap Box

Thursday, June 20, 2002

inchoate/ indistinct

What makes beer such holy ground? I've seen guys decry the evils of Starbucks, Wal*Mart, et al, until they are blue in the face.
And yet, they head down to the bar and immediately start throwing back Guiness and Bass.
You thought I was gonna say Budweiser didn't you? No, I'm sorry, most of my friends have taste. And Budweiser is evil. No questions there.
But I digress. I'm not going to insinuate that Guiness is an evil corporation. I don't know that. I attended a focus group study for Guiness. I got paid a $100 to find out that they market Guiness directly to young people, selling it almost as the "grown-up's" drink. And I got to tell them that they had a lot of stupid ideas.
I can't say much more about that, because I believe I signed an NDA.
So, they sell poison and market it directly to young people. Yeah, it's definitely a tasty beverage. And there's that whole country history of rampant alcoholism. So is that what makes it ok?

I'm all for gentle hypocrisies. Hell, if I weren't, I probably wouldn't be able to make it day to day. I just try to stay aware of mine. I don't dash them, because there's no point. I'm built out of gentle hypocrisies. I just wonder if other people are as aware. Something tells me they're not. And isn't that high and mighty of me?



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