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Declarations from the Soap Box

Sunday, May 19, 2002

imposed/ improved

I get so sick of being bored. And just when I think it's not going to end any time soon, I get a wake up call. I go out, believing that it's just moving to a different place to be bored.

that's when it hits me

It's one of those zen moments, where everything is in its place. I meet the right people, the people that I wouldn't actually be talking to if this weren't the right occasion, and everything gets that much better. I just go with it, knowing that it really could be worse. It could be terminal, and it really isn't. I can fool myself into thinking that all my diversions are purely momentary, but that is so untrue. I have so many diversions that it's just tough to decide which one to pursue. I'll never run out of things to occupy my time. That's why imortality is such a nice idea. I like the idea of being able to choose my diversions without fear of when it's going to end. Make it a lot easier to choose if I knew that I had all the time I could possibly need to accomplish everything I want to. I mean, if I could just sit back for a few years and read, I wouldn't even have trouble trying to figure out what to read next... Ah, such pleasant fantasies. Should bring sweet dreams...



23.04.00   30.04.00   11.06.00   18.06.00   25.06.00   02.07.00   09.07.00   16.07.00   23.07.00   30.07.00   13.08.00   20.08.00   17.09.00   24.09.00   01.10.00   15.10.00   22.10.00   29.10.00   14.01.01   21.01.01   03.06.01   10.06.01   17.06.01   24.06.01   08.07.01   15.07.01   22.07.01   29.07.01   12.08.01   30.12.01   10.03.02   17.03.02   14.04.02   12.05.02   19.05.02   26.05.02   02.06.02   09.06.02   16.06.02   23.06.02   30.06.02   07.07.02   21.07.02   04.08.02   18.08.02   25.08.02   01.09.02   08.09.02   15.09.02   06.10.02   13.10.02   27.10.02   10.11.02   24.11.02   01.12.02   05.01.03   02.02.03   16.02.03   27.04.03   08.06.03   15.06.03   04.01.04   18.12.05   25.12.05   08.01.06   15.01.06   22.01.06   29.01.06   19.03.06   02.07.06   16.07.06   04.05.08   25.05.08  

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