First OffDeclarations from the Soap BoxThursday, August 16, 2001
ambivalent/ ambiguous
If I would write more, I would probably be fucking brilliant. Anyway, I go to take out the trash at 8 am, and it's perfect weather out. As perfect as weather gets in Central Texas in the middle of August, anway. So I was thinking I would go for a run, get some exercise while nature was being nice. Then I realized that in less than a half hour, the heat index would be breaking 100 yet again, and it would be unbearable. So no exercise outdoors for me today. Damn rational mind. I don't know what's worse. The fact that when I make a witty one liner people are so surprised that they laugh harder than the joke was worth, or that they're surprised that I'm making a witty one-liner. I think it's the latter. Damn friends. If I had any ambition at all, I'd at least force myself to write a page a day, in order to more finely hone my m4d l33t \/\/ri+i|\|6 5killz, y0. (apologies to those of you that don't know l33t. Yeah, right, like anyone is reading this. Ya know, once someone told me they had seen my site, then I figured out they were wrong, and had been looking at a pr0n site the whole time and thinking I was a sick bastard. Okay, so they were right about one thing. But I still forced them to eat the mass of what had been chinese food at one point in the precambrian period, maybe. With a spork. See, they were right about one thing...) Hahaha. That entire parenthetical rant was totally false. I just thought it was funny. But some people have to have these things pointed out to them. No one's ever looked at my site. I'm feeling oddly prolific at the moment. If only I could do this more often. a story LinksArchives23.04.00 30.04.00 11.06.00 18.06.00 25.06.00 02.07.00 09.07.00 16.07.00 23.07.00 30.07.00 13.08.00 20.08.00 17.09.00 24.09.00 01.10.00 15.10.00 22.10.00 29.10.00 14.01.01 21.01.01 03.06.01 10.06.01 17.06.01 24.06.01 08.07.01 15.07.01 22.07.01 29.07.01 12.08.01 30.12.01 10.03.02 17.03.02 14.04.02 12.05.02 19.05.02 26.05.02 02.06.02 09.06.02 16.06.02 23.06.02 30.06.02 07.07.02 21.07.02 04.08.02 18.08.02 25.08.02 01.09.02 08.09.02 15.09.02 06.10.02 13.10.02 27.10.02 10.11.02 24.11.02 01.12.02 05.01.03 02.02.03 16.02.03 27.04.03 08.06.03 15.06.03 04.01.04 18.12.05 25.12.05 08.01.06 15.01.06 22.01.06 29.01.06 19.03.06 02.07.06 16.07.06 04.05.08 25.05.08 |